Sports medicine
The medical certificate for sporting activity is compulsory from the age of 6 for those who play sport with clubs affiliated to national sports federations, CONI and for extracurricular physical-sporting activities organised by schools outside school hours.
Medical certificates differ depending on whether the activity is non-competitive or competitive.
Non-competitive activities pursue objectives of psychophysical development and individual and social health and do not have competitive connotations.

Non-competitive sports medical certificates are therefore documents that attest to a person's state of good health and allow him or her to practise sport safely. The certificate of fitness is valid for one year and to obtain it, the patient's anamnesis, objective examination with blood pressure measurement and an electrocardiogram at rest must be taken; in the case of illnesses and over the age of 60, an electrocardiogram must be taken annually.
The certificate for non-competitive activity may be issued by one's general practitioner or paediatrician, or by a specialist in sports medicine or a doctor registered with the Italian Sports Medicine Federation.
The sports medicine examination for the issue of the certificate for competitive practice is carried out according to precise legal regulations exclusively by specialists in sports medicine working within authorised medical facilities.
Competitive activities are considered to be those activities practised on a continuous, systematic and competitive basis organised by national sports federations, bodies recognised by the CONI or the Ministry of Education. The age of access to competitive activities changes depending on the sport, e.g. for figure skating it is 7 years, 8 for swimming, 10 for tennis and 12 for football.
The medical examination to obtain a certificate for competitive practice includes: specialist and anamnestic examination, urine analysis, anthropometric assessment, visus check, electrocardiogram at rest and under stress, and spirometry, and is valid for one year from the date of issue.
Fisio&lab, which has always been dedicated to sportspeople's health, is also a Sports Medicine Centre.

At the Centre, competitive and non-competitive fitness examinations can be performed for those who engage in physical activity and/or sport, with the issue of the certificate of fitness required by law.
Fisio&lab Sports Medicine is integrated with the other specialities of the Outpatient Clinic and with the rehabilitation and performance development activities performed at the Centre.