In the vast sea of learning opportunities, there is one island that promises to transform the way we understand and practice swimming: Swimbox. But what makes Swimbox so unique? It is its innovative approach that is embodied in the evocative payoff: 'Understand. Experience. Swim."
Understand: This word emphasises the importance of going beyond the surface of the water, digging deeper and gaining a complete understanding of swimming. It means not only knowing the basic techniques, but also diving into the very essence of movement through water. It means gaining in-depth knowledge of biomechanics, breathing and the fundamental elements that contribute to efficient and safe swimming. Understanding swimming in its entirety also means understanding your own body, its movements and how it interacts with the water. Here, with Swimbox, understanding embraces not only an academic theoretical sphere, but a practical experience and synergistic interaction between body and water. It is an invitation to explore one's self in relation to the liquid environment around us, to understand how each movement contributes to our swimming progress.
Experiment: The second pillar of the Swimbox philosophy pushes us beyond theory and into direct action. Here, experimenting means not only trying out different swimming techniques, but also embracing the idea of self-experimentation and self-discovery. It is the courageous act of putting oneself on the line, overcoming self-imposed limitations and embracing challenges as opportunities for growth. Each swimmer is encouraged to pioneer his or her own abilities, explore new aquatic horizons and embrace the Japanese concept of 'Kaizen' - continuous improvement through concrete experiences. Swimbox invites you to put into practice what you have understood because, as the Greek philosopher Aristotle said, 'only by doing do you learn how to do things'. This is the basic approach of a method that aims to provide awareness and autonomy in the water.
Swimming: Finally, the culmination of this experience is embodied in the act of swimming itself. After understanding and experiencing, what remains is the pure action of diving into the water and flowing. 'Swim well without thinking' is more than just an invitation to masterfully execute the techniques learned. It is an invitation to flow effortlessly, to become one with the water itself. Here, swimming becomes a dance, a harmony between mind, body and environment, in which what has been learnt and experienced merges into a natural, effortless movement. Basically, after the practice there is the full enjoyment of the sensory experience that is swimming resulting in a true flow experience.
In summary, Swimbox is not just a place to practise and learn swimming, whether in the presence or at a distance, but a temple for those who wish to fully embrace the art and science of the sport. It is a place where deep understanding, enterprising exploration and fluid action come together to create an experience that goes beyond mere exercise. Here, swimming becomes more than a movement - it becomes a way of being. We plunge into the water with new eyes, ready to understand, experience and swim towards a brighter, more conscious aquatic future. Our only 'dilemma' is that no one had explained it to us before, but the rules of the game are as simple as they are easy to apply. The secret lies in discovering those essential elements suited to each of us, because swimming thus becomes a tailor-made suit, requiring an expert tailor who knows how to adapt it to our real abilities and subjective needs.